
Flashback Thursday – Flashing in the Park

Here’s a fun video from about a year and a half ago where I was going stir-crazy in the house and needed to get outside even though I had a ton of studying to do. It just sort of turned into a film shoot, even though that wasn’t my intent…I swear! Check out the newly-uncensored full video here:


  • R Todd

    In the December 2021 Archive there are a half dozen tempting videos shut down with the Under Construction / Work in Progress graphic along with an indication they will be returning soon.
    Will they really be returning soon, or are they tied up with some kind of venue/event producer hassle?

    • lilymaeexhib_402414

      Hello! I have every intention of putting those videos back up but the editing is a long, arduous process. They were taken down for not complying with the rules of the hosting sites so, a lot of changes need to be made before I can post them again and it’s been difficult to get to with school and editing other videos. But I am trying! ❀️

  • R Todd

    Having observed your “progress index” over the months and then plotting back toward the beginning, it’s hard to imagine that you went through some guardrail in those early times (multiple times). Any clue as to what that’s all about?

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