• dutchboy

    That dress is fantastic and looks real good on you. I love how you are comfortable removing panties (if you have any on) in more and more crowded places. The nude walk in the parking garage was just beautiful, plus the fully exposed scenes in the hotel bar. May your confidence and daringness continue to grow. You are an absolute beauty!

  • R Todd

    OMG! Had I been there observing you removing your panties, I wouldn’t have been bashful about saying something. Probably something like “…you in thaa orange almost dress … GO GIRL !!!”

    • Paddy

      The way you play with your charms is stylish. Everything from your hair to your make-up to your always special outfits is perfect and beautiful. Actually, I don’t always have to talk about your hot tits, your nipples and your pussy – but I do. I’m under your spell, haha.

  • R Todd

    And I would have enjoyed you springling pussy dust my way.
    OK. Now on to that chain top you teased us with about a week ago. That looks might enticing. And provocative. Go Girl!

  • Paddy

    Die Art und Weise, wie Sie mit Ihren Reizen spielen, ist stilvoll. Alles, von deinen Haaren über dein Make-up bis hin zu deinen immer besonderen Outfits, ist perfekt und schön. Eigentlich muss ich nicht immer über deine heißen Titten, deine Nippel und deine Muschi reden – aber ich muss es. Ich bin in deinem Bann, haha.

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